Session Speakers

Hover over any speaker's photo and click to view their full profile, including their company, title, bio, and details about the session they will be presenting.

County Arts and Culture Commission
County of San Diego, Office of Health Equity and Climate Change
County of San Diego - Office of Equity and Racial Justice
San Diego County Promotores Coalition
San Diego State University, College of Health and Human Services
San Marcos High School
Rescue Agency
Jackie Robinson Family YMCA
Evident Change
Playwrights Project
San Diego County Library
San Diego County Office of Education
City of San Diego, Commission for Arts and Culture
San Diego County Office of Education
County of San Diego, Public Health Services
Department of Justice, Office of US Attorney: Substance Use & Overdose Prevention Taskforce
YMCA of San Diego County
San Ysidro Education Collaborative
Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC)