NextGen Session #9: Money, Money, Money: Preparing for the Financial Journey -Special Session in NYC
Date & Time
Thursday, April 10, 2025, 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Pamela Pavkov

Session #9 Money, Money, Money: Preparing for the Financial Journey 

(5 hours) Thursday, April 10th, 2025 (Capstone attendees only- Live at the Offices of Akin Gump) 


2:00pm – 2:05pm       Opening Remarks: Resources & Financing Your Private Equity Firm: Introduction 

Speaker: Carmen Ortiz-McGhee 

Session Description:  

Are you financially prepared to navigate the firm-building and fundraising journey ahead? In this session, you will learn about resources available and hear from industry experts about how to manage your finances while you raise your first institutional fund. In this session, experts will cover: 

  • Seeding: a productive seeding partnership and seeding structures 
  • Managing your firm’s P&L in its first year and preparing for unexpected circumstances 
  • How you get paid: the realities of management fees & waterfalls 

2:05pm – 2:20pm       NAIC Market Resources 

2:20pm – 2:40pm       Financing Your Firm: Seeding 

Session Description: An important consideration as you build your firm is whether a seeding partner that provides operating capital in addition to an LP allocation is a viable option. In this session, you will learn the ins and outs of a productive seeding partnership as well as various options for seeding structures. 

Invited Speaker: Pamela Pavkov, Head of TPG Next, TPG 

2:40pm – 2:50pm       Audience Q&A 

2:50pm – 3:20pm       How You Get Paid: The Realities of Management Fees & Waterfalls

Session Description: You will hear from one of the industry’s leading legal experts on the dynamics and considerations of the waterfall options and the pros and cons of each as well as insights into how to negotiate with LPs with respect this crucial topic that will impact your bottom line. 

3:20pm – 3:30pm       Audience Q&A 


3:30pm – 3:45pm       Break (15 min) 


3:45pm – 4:10pm       What’s It Going to Cost: An In-depth Look at a First Year P&L Statement  

Session Description:  

In this session you will learn the realities of managing your firm’s P&L in its first year. You will hear about the realities of the costs and challenges as well as ways to better prepare for unexpected circumstances that may arise. 

Speaker: Shana Hall, Executive Director, Finance, GCM Grosvenor 

4:10pm – 4:15pm       Audience Q&A 

4:15pm – 4:40pm       Operations:  Knowing the Essentials to Succeed

What are the essential elements to your operational infrastructure? This rapid-fire module will review the following: Establishing the right team & culture (HR), and right processes (Accounting & IT) as foundations to your success.  You will learn the “Days to Zero” methodology to ensure that you have the actual capital to operate and sustain your firm.   

Speaker: Shana Hall, Executive Director, Finance, GCM Grosvenor  

4:40pm – 4:45pm       Audience Q&A 

4:45 pm   Virtual Session Closes


 4:45pm – 6:00pm      Pitch Coaching Session (Capstone Attendees only)       

4:45pm – 4:55pm       Introduction of Judges & Overview

Speaker: Carmen Ortiz-McGhee 

  • Introduction of coaches/judges. 
  • Purpose of the session: refining pitch delivery, storytelling, and investor engagement. 

4:55pm – 5:05pm       Transition

5:05pm – 5:45pm       Pitch Coaching

  • Each participant/team delivers a 3-minute pitch. 
  • Immediate constructive feedback from judges/coaches (2–3 minutes per pitch). 

5:45pm – 6:00pm       Break and Transition

6:00pm – 6:10pm       Closing Remarks NextGen/Reception Kick-off 

Speaker: Robert L. Greene 

6:10pm – 7:00pm       Networking Reception