Nicole Boghossian Ambrose - County of San Diego, Land Use and Environment Group, Executive Office
Danielle Kochman - SANDAG
ROBERT WINSLOW - County of San Diego

The internet has become an essential tool to share ideas, connect with people, work, learn, access goods and services, and perform daily tasks. The growing gap between people who do and do not have access to affordable internet services and suitable devices to connect is known as the digital divide. This phenomenon exacerbates economic, social, and educational inequities that disproportionately impact low-income communities, tribal, black, and Hispanic households, and older adults.
In recognition of the severity of the growing digital divide, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Board of Directors adopted The Regional Digital Equity Strategy and Action Plan, which examined the importance of equal access, the status of connectivity in the region, and provided a roadmap to ensure greater equity. To deliver on The Regional Digital Equity Strategy and Action Plan, SANDAG partnered with 211 San Diego, County of San Diego, and City of San Diego to launch the “Get Connected” campaign. Get Connected is an outreach and educational program that centralizes affordable, high-speed internet resources, including the Affordable Connectivity Program, digital literacy trainings, and where community members can access low-cost or free computing devices. The panel will share an overview of the partnership efforts that jumpstarted “Get Connected” and discuss opportunities for exceptional multi-agency collaboration models that deliver critical information and resources to those who need it most.
Learning Objectives
- Learn about the critical importance of digital equity considering disproportionate access to broadband throughout the San Diego region
- Learn about resources you may need and how you can provide support to digital equity building through utilizing SANDAG’s Get Connected Partner Toolkit
- Learn about the value and importance of inter-agency coordination
111 W Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
United States