NextGen Session #2: Team, Track Record, and Strategy: Your Recipe for Success
Date & Time
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Allen Ruiz Jason Howard Kwesi Quaye Joseph Acevedo Bryan Fujita Caroline Gillespie Greer Daryn Dodson

Session #2 Team, Track Record, and Strategy: Your Recipe for Success

 (2 hour 5 min.) Thursday, February 13th, 2025


4:00pm – 4:05pm          Opening Remarks & Speaker Introduction

Speaker: Carmen Ortiz-McGhee

4:05pm – 4:35pm          Critical Components of an Effective Team  

Session Description: In this session, you will learn the critical roles and skills required to round out a team for consideration of an institutional investment. You will hear directly from a leading allocator who will cover what positions within your team will be critical to your success, the team members you should have in place, and key advisory roles that you should fill as well as the range of third-party services available as you construct a solid offering. This session will cover:

    • Investment team composition
    • Advisors, operating partners, and co-investors
    • Constructing a back-office team

                                           Speaker: Allen Ruiz, Managing Director, Alternative Investments, Barings

4:35pm – 4:40pm        Audience Q&A

4:40pm – 4:45pm          Virtual Break (3 min) & Next Panel Introduction (2 min)

4:45pm – 5:00pm          Establishing Your Track Record: Overview

                                               Session Description: One of the most important considerations for LPs evaluating GPs for allocation is the team’s track record. This session will provide detailed insight into the institutional investors’ perspective as well as ways to address when you are unable to port your track record, either individually or as a team.

                Speaker: Jason Howard, Founder & Managing Partner, New Catalyst Strategic Partners

5:00pm – 5:25pm          Establishing Your Track Record: Panel Discussion

Session Description: This session brings to bear the perspectives of some of the leading capital allocators in the industry for an in-depth dialogue and audience Q&A.

Moderator:  Jason Howard


  • Bryan Fujita, CIO, Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension
  • Caroline Gillespie Greer, Managing Director, Commonfund

5:25pm – 5:30pm          Audience Q&A

5:30pm – 5:55pm         Establishing Your Investment Strategy: Panel

Session description: While team and track record and strategy are the overall rubric through which LPs evaluate managers, it is often said that strategy is far and away the most important of these elements. During this session you will hear from experts who have many years of evaluating and determining if they will deploy capital to support an investment strategy designed to create significant value and is resilient enough to weather the inevitable storms caused by the market.


  • Joseph Acevedo, Managing Director, BlackRock


  • Panelists:
  • Daryn Dodson, Managing Partner, Illumen Capital
  • Kwesi Quaye, Partner, Fairview Capital Partners

5:55pm – 6:00pm          Audience Q&A

6:00pm – 6:05pm         Session #2 Closing Remarks

                                                      Speaker: Carmen Ortiz-McGhee, Chief Operating Officer, NAIC

6:05pm                                           Session #2 Ends

6:05pm– 6:35pm           “Ask an Expert” with Allen Ruiz, Barings


Virtual Session Link