NextGen Session #6: Back Office Essentials: Compliance, Reporting, and Tax Considerations
Date & Time
Thursday, March 7, 2024, 4:00 PM - 6:05 PM
Jennifer Jansen Shake Culzac Jonathan Tomback Sumit Kapur Jerry Whelan

Session #6 Back Office Essentials: Compliance, Reporting, and Tax Considerations

(2 hours 5 min.) Thursday, March 7th, 2024

4:00pm – 4:05pm           Opening Remarks & Speaker Introduction

Speaker: Carmen Ortiz-McGhee

4:05pm – 4:10pm           Back Office Essentials

Compliance and regulatory requirements, institutional investor reporting standards, cash and treasury management are all areas that are often underestimated by new managers – both in their importance and complexity – with potentially dire consequences if not properly managed. This session will take you through these key areas, what you need to do to make sure you are well-covered as you build and grow your firm.

Introduction of EY Team:

Ivan Lehon, Partner, Americas Private Equity  Markets Leader, Ernst & Young

4:10pm – 4:30pm           Regulatory compliance

  • Jennifer Jansen, Financial Services Advisory Manager, Ernst & Young

4:30pm – 4:50pm           Admin & investor services

  • Shake Culzac, Senior Manager, Co-leader of Americas Alternative Asset Management Solutions, Ernst & Young

4:50pm – 5:00pm           Q&A

5:00pm – 5:05pm           Virtual Break (5 min) 

5:05pm – 5:20pm           Management accounting

  • Jonathan Tomback, Partner, Financial Services Organization, Ernst & Young 

5:20pm – 5:35pm           Valuation

  • Sumit Kapur, Managing Director, Transactions and Corporate Finance, Ernst & Young

5:35pm – 5:50pm           Tax considerations

  • Gerald Whelan, Partner, Private Equity Tax Technical Leader, Ernst & Young

5:50pm – 6:00pm           Q&A

6:00pm – 6:05pm           Session #6 Closing Remarks                                      

Speaker: Carmen Ortiz-McGhee

6:05pm                             Session #6 Ends

6:05pm – 6:35pm            “Ask an Expert” (Optional)

Virtual Session Link