NextGen Session #5: Risk Mitigation: Protecting Your Firm & Enhancing Your Deals
Date & Time
Thursday, February 29, 2024, 4:00 PM - 6:10 PM
Mach Millett Gaurav Sud Terence Rozier-Byrd Shana Hall

Session #5 Risk Mitigation: Protecting Your Firm & Enhancing Your Deals

(2 hours 5 min) Thursday, February 29th, 2024

4:00pm – 4:05pm           Opening Remarks & Speaker Introduction

Speaker: Carmen Ortiz-McGhee

4:05pm – 4:30pm           Operations:  Knowing the Essentials to Succeed  

What are the essential elements to your operational infrastructure? This rapid-fire module will review the following: Establishing the right team & culture (HR), and right processes (Accounting & IT) as foundations to your success.  You will learn the “Days to Zero” methodology to ensure that you have the actual capital to operate and sustain your firm.  

Speaker: Shana Hall, Executive Director, Finance, GCM Grosvenor

4:30pm – 4:40pm           Audience Q&A

4:40pm – 4:45pm           Virtual Break (3 min) & Next Panel Introduction (2 min)

4:45pm – 5:30pm           Risk Mitigation

  • The asset management world is rife with risks and uncertainties. In this discussion, global leaders in risk management will instruct how best to protect your firm, partners, and deals from common risks. You will also learn about a few innovative new products in the market that can increase the value of a deal or strongly position your firm in competitive deal situations.
    • Key fund level insurances
    • Key employee level insurances/risk management
    • Cyber liability insurance and risk management for fund and portfolio companies

              Risk Mitigation: Enhancing the Deal and Your Portfolio

  • IP valuation and price modeling
    • Due diligence (Human Capital, Property Insurance and Cyber Security) for acquisitions
    • Transactional insurance (Reps & Warranties insurance, tax liability insurance, litigation insurance)


  • Machua Millett, Senior Vice President, Chief Innovation Officer and Alternative Investment Practice Leader, Lockton Financial Services
  • Gaurav Sud, Partner & Co-Practice Leader, Transaction Liability, Lockton Financial Services

5:30pm – 6:05pm           Top 5 Legal Mistakes to Avoid as a First-Time Fund Manager

This module will address common pitfalls that first-time fund managers often encounter and tips for avoiding them.  From fund terms to management company structuring and operations, to LP negotiations and side letters, you will gain invaluable insight on how to avoid costly mistakes from an experienced large law firm partner who has the unique perspective of advising both emerging fund sponsors and a variety of institutional investors.  


    • Terence Rozier-Byrd, Partner, Akin Gump

6:05pm – 6:10pm | Closing Remarks

Speaker: Carmen Ortiz-McGhee

6:10pm | Session #6 Ends

6:10pm – 6:40pm            “Ask an Expert” with Lockton (Optional)

Virtual Session Link