Manuel-Luis “Manny” Medina - American Heart Association
Mike Deitch - American Heart Association

In the United States, Hispanic/Latino people are at a higher risk for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with a poor prognosis due to longstanding structural racism and social policies that have limited access to quality education and health care. Although there’s been tremendous improvement in CPR and first-responder defibrillation, survival rates for women haven’t improved significantly, especially for Hispanic/Latina women. In addition, studies show bystander CPR is less common in Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods. To help change these outcomes, the American Heart Association is embarking on its first Hands-Only CPR campaign — Héroes Salvando Corazones/ Heroes Saving Hearts — focused on Hispanic/Latina women to remove these barriers and address health inequities. In this session, participants will learn more about the campaign and see firsthand how to perform Hands-Only CPR to help save their lives. The first 50 attendees will receive a Hands-Only CPR training kit (valued at $45) to take home with them to continue to practice and teach others this important skill!
111 W Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
United States