Full Name
Steve Paganelli
Job Title
Sr. Head of Americas Partnerships
Speaker Bio
Joining Tripadvisor in 2013, Steve spearheads innovative ways to connect partners with Tripadvisor’s community of 1/2 billion monthly travelers, supports a seasoned sales team, and manages strategic relationships with key industry organizations.

Steve has three decades of Travel Industry leadership experience including the launch of a successful digital agency serving destinations, service as the President & CEO of two DMOs, work as a meeting planner, and various conference center management roles. Among others, his teams’ work has been recognized by HSMAI, Destinations International, NTA, ABA, and the Northeast Economic Development Association and proudly published one of the tourism industry’s first integrated visitor guides addressing the needs of LGBTQ+ and Black travelers.

Having served on numerous Industry boards including Destinations International, Steve is a Certified Destination Marketing Executive (CDME), co-founded the Connecticut’s first LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce, and now serves on advisory boards for the German National Tourist Office and Discovery Puerto Rico, as well as the Destinations International CDME Advisory Board and Partner Advisory Council.
Steve Paganelli