Concurrent Breakout #4B | Leading, Managing, and Guiding While Black: An Executive Perspective
Date & Time
Friday, November 15, 2024, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Rhonda Whyte Renata Allen

In this presentation, we delve into the unique experiences and challenges faced by Black executives within the Conventions/Meetings/Events (CME) industry, focusing on leadership, managing client relationships, and navigating biases and privilege. What Does Leadership Look Like from a Black Executive? Successes: Despite systemic barriers, Black executives in the CME industry have achieved remarkable success, demonstrating resilience, innovation, and exceptional leadership skills. Managing Client Relationships: Challenges and Strategies Managing client relationships as a Black executive often involves navigating clients' biases and privilege. Clients may hold unconscious biases that affect their perceptions and interactions with Black professionals, leading to microaggressions, skepticism, or dismissiveness. In conclusion, leading, while Black in the CME industry entails navigating a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges. What Does Leadership Look Like from a Black Executive? Black executives employ various strategies to overcome obstacles and thrive in their roles. Managing Client Relationships: Challenges and Strategies-To effectively manage client relationships, Black executives employ a range of strategies to address biases and foster mutual understanding. Attendees will have tangible takeaways' leveraging their expertise, creativity, and resilience.



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