Concurrent Breakout #3B | Transforming Meeting Planners into Marketing Experts: Leveraging Data for Advanced Event Success
Date & Time
Friday, November 15, 2024, 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Dharmesh Dayabhai Elaine Richardson Joseph Colangelo

In today's dynamic event landscape, the role of a meeting planner extends far beyond logistics and scheduling. This panel session, featuring industry experts Joe Colangelo and Elaine from National Black MBA, will explore the transformative power of data in redefining the role of meeting planners as essential marketing professionals. Join us for an engaging discussion on how to harness data to make informed, actionable decisions that drive event success. Learn from Elaine's real-world experiences on collecting and utilizing data to elevate event strategies. Discover practical techniques to integrate marketing principles into your event planning process, ensuring your events not only meet logistical goals but also achieve significant marketing outcomes.

1. Attendees will gain insights into the intersection of meeting planning and marketing.
2. Participants will learn practical methods to leverage data for improving event outcomes.
3. Attendees will leave with strategies to position themselves as marketing professionals within their organizations.



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