Empowering Youth Voices: The High School Public Health Peer Education Program and Camp
Date & Time
Thursday, November 21, 2024, 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Gabrielle Lunsford Jessica Mendelsohn Jennifer Ogo

The Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch (EISB) of Public Health Services (PHS) assisted in the development of a school education program aimed at high school students in all San Diego County school districts to increase students’ knowledge of public health topics and careers. The Epidemiology School Education Program is comprised of four components:

1. Public Health Peer Education Program (PH-PEP)
2. Health Education Topics (HET)
3. Public Health Workforce Speaker’s Bureau (PH-WSB)
4. Public Health Peer Advocate Camp (PH-PAC)

In this session, specific activities to be presented include:

- An introduction to the Epidemiology School Education Program, including how the program was established through collaboration with PHS and the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE).
- An overview of the trainings, presentations, and services offered to high school students throughout San Diego County.
- Demonstration of the products developed by high school students who participated in hands-on, project-based learning activities.

Location Name
Room 7B
Full Address
San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
United States
Presentation Material
Sub Tags
Health Equity, Workforce Development, Youth
Document here