Full Name
Anna Schen
Job Title
Program Specialist, Social Work Services, Juvenile Court and Community Schools
San Diego County Office of Education
Speaker Bio
Anna Schen has more than 20 years of experience providing services to families and youth throughout San Diego County through non-profit agencies and school districts as a School Social Worker and a mental health provider. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Child Development in 1998. She graduated in 2003 with her Master’s degree in Social Work with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Social Work and Child, Welfare and Attendance. In 2011, she earned her Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling. Her current work includes supporting SDCOE JCCS with the California Community Schools Partnership Program grant and the Creating Opportunities for Preventing and Eliminating Suicide grant. In partnership with various universities, she provides Practicum Instruction to support School Social Work graduate students placed in JCCS and county office run programs. She also provides coaching and leadership with the School Social Workers within JCCS in addition to providing technical support to School Social Workers in San Diego County. She has a background in supporting school-based initiatives such as PBIS, Restorative Practices, Trauma Informed Schools, MTSS and helping school sites create a positive school culture and climate.
Anna Schen