Opening Keynote - Denise Soler Cox "The Magic of Belonging"
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Denise Soler Cox

For Denise Soler Cox, co-producing and co-directing the award-winning film, “Being Eñye.” revealed a foundational truth:  Belonging is a universal human need. 

Worldwide audience reaction to “Being Eñye” reinforced that the desire to belong, feel included, and valued, is not limited to a group or minority.  It is a desire in the hearts of everyone.  What began as her personal project, became a crusade to positively impact individuals, companies, and communities. 

Her research-driven program emphasizes why Belonging matters to us personally and collectively.  She provides a blueprint that improves lives and relationships. 

Additionally, for companies, it enhances retention and the bottom line.  As it turns out, Belonging not only fulfills a basic human desire, it’s also good for business!

Location Name
Ballroom 20
Full Address
San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
United States
Session Type