Full Name
Carlisle Dockery
Job Title
Associate Planner and Outreach Specialist
Circulate San Diego
Speaker Bio
Carlisle Dockery has experience in active transportation planning, community engagement, public health advocacy, project management, and economic development. She has worked in the nonprofit sector for seven years and joined Circulate San Diego in October 2021. She has worked on projects addressing pedestrian and bicycle safety education, tactical urbanism, complete streets, age-friendly development, disaster recovery, and economic revitalization. She has been involved in the development of numerous active transportation plans, including the City of Cathedral City Active Transportation Plan and the City of Solana Beach Safe Routes to School Master Plan. Ms. Dockery also has extensive experience developing data visualizations using mapping tools (ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, Google MyMaps) to display community assets, service and infrastructure gaps, walk audit findings, and engagement metrics.
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